Careers At Thales Academy

Purpose Statement for Thales Academy Faculty:
To cultivate excellent people through the pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness.

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Our Mission is rooted in the THALES FIRST PRINCIPLES, that guide all of our decision making

  • Natural Order: We believe there is inherent order in the universe and the natural laws that govern it. We believe this order creates a sense of transcendent beauty and we encourage all students to recognize and value this order.
  • Human Dignity: We believe in the Judeo-Christian philosophical concepts of the Imago Dei and natural law that preserves the dignity and uniqueness of every individual as a reflection of the divine imbued with inalienable rights.
  • Moral Philosophy: We believe in the objective nature of moral philosophy in the Judeo-Christian and Aristotelian tradition and that we must model and encourage the development of character and virtue in our students. The goal is for students to develop practical wisdom (or prudence) to temper their intellectual growth.
  • Intellectual Inheritance: We have received as our inheritance the literary and historical treasures of the Western canon which includes the best examples of the transcendental qualities that promote human flourishing. Accordingly, in our classes we choose to focus on the very best books and ideas from this tradition. We encourage students to admire this intellectual inheritance and appreciate its literary works, heroic figures, and its ideas of human dignity.
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  • 6-12 Faculty
  • Administrative
  • After School Care
  • Coaches
  • PreK-5 Faculty
  • Substitutes
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