Frequently Asked Questions


For questions specific to the admissions process, please see our Admissions FAQ page.

What is the tuition rate for students at Thales Academy?

Please see our tuition page for specific pricing by campus. It is our mission to make Thales Academy a viable option for all families.

What are the school hours?

Visit our Bell Schedule page for school hours.

How is transportation handled at Thales Academy?

Parents are responsible for transportation to and from school each day. We do not have buses to transport children and rely solely on parent involvement for transportation. Each family is given a carpool tag and faculty members escort students to and from cars each morning and afternoon. Any changes in pick-up arrangements must be documented by Thales Academy. Every effort is made to ensure that the carpool process is quick and efficient.

How do you handle transfers to another Thales Academy campus?

If you would like to transfer your student's enrollment to another Thales Academy campus, simply contact your current campus with your transfer request, and we will add you to a transfer request list and notify you when there is an opening at the requested campus. A waiting period may apply to transfer requests.

What are the options for lunch at Thales Academy?

Our families provide both lunch and snack from home each day. We do not have a cafeteria but we offer an optional school lunch program through My Hot Lunchbox. Students are responsible for having a healthy snack and lunch from home daily. Students eat within their classrooms (K-5) and in the mezzanine (JH/HS) with their peers. Parent lunch volunteers are utilized to oversee the class during lunch to give the classroom teacher a break during this time. All volunteers have undergone a background check for safety.

Is there a dress code/uniform at Thales Academy?

Yes, please refer to our Uniform Page for detailed information.

Does Thales Academy offer before or after school care?

After-school care is offered at all campuses. Please see our After School Care page for information and pricing. Regular enrollment in after-school care is $165 per month, paid through regular tuition billing. Additionally, after-school care is also available on a daily drop-in basis for $15 per day, payable at pickup each day. Before-school care is offered at select campuses. For hours of operation of Before School Care and After School Care at each campus, please visit our Bell Schedule page, or contact your local Thales Academy campus or the admissions office for further details.

Are you planning to open a new campus in my area soon?

There is a high demand for seats in existing campuses, and our leadership is always looking at options to expand capacity. When new campuses are confirmed, we will announce them on our website, on our social media pages, and through local media. If you are interested in seeing a new Thales Academy campus in your area, we would love to work with you toward that goal! Please fill out our Future Campus Interest inquiry form to express an interest in a new campus location.

Do campuses plan to add more grades?

Additional grades are offered when the number of enrolled students can support expansion. Generally, when expanding grade levels, elementary school campuses will add available grade levels up to 8th grade and, if available in the local area, students entering 9th grade will transfer automatically to a nearby high school campus.

Do you offer online learning?

Our experience has shown that students are most successful when learning in person, in a classroom of their peers. As such, all classroom instruction at Thales Academy is in-person, and we do not offer online learning programs.

What standardized tests are required for students at Thales Academy?

Thales Academy uses the Classical Learning Test (CLT) and the PSAT/NMSQT to measure student performance. Please refer to our Standardized Testing Performance page for our most recent score reports.

What curriculum and/or methodology is used in instruction at Thales Academy?

Please refer to our Academics section for information about our exceptional academic curriculum.

What does it mean to be a classical school?

As a classical school, we are committed to the inherent value and dignity of all human beings, to educating students to their highest potential, and to providing opportunities for students to succeed to the best of their abilities. The values and virtues of a classical education are grounded in the Judeo-Christian understanding of what it means to be human, in ideas that are further developed by the intellectual traditions of Greco-Roman antiquity and medieval Europe. These ideas persist in America's intellectual tradition and in the founding documents of the United States, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Such ideas include the inherent dignity and value of all human beings and the interdependent relationship between limited government, economic freedom, and the rights of individuals. We are also committed to pursuing, contemplating, and delighting in objective truth, even if human understanding is limited in its ability to understand the truth in its fullness.

At the JH/HS levels, we focus on the great works of the Western canon to better understand our own intellectual and cultural heritage and the shape that heritage has given to the world we live in. We study traditions outside of the Western canon to understand our own foundations and to form a bridge with peoples of different countries and cultures in the common, universal pursuit of what is good, what is true, and what is beautiful. This classical identity is capable of uniting people of all backgrounds in the worthwhile and lifelong cultivation of the good life. Such an identity, moreover, is neither secular nor religious in nature; instead, it is classical.

Is Thales Academy a religious school?

Thales Academy is not affiliated with any religious institution and does not instruct its students in the doctrine of any specific religion. However, we teach in the Judeo-Christian tradition, which preserves a record of those truths of the greatest historical, philosophical, and practical importance. Thus, we hold the following beliefs as true:

God exists and created the universe and everything in it. He created humans in his image and likeness. The order of creation operates according to fixed, immutable laws known as the Laws of Nature. These laws govern human morality as well as the physical world. They compose the basis of objective truth and are discernible by human reason, however imperfectly at times.

We hold the purpose of education to be to discover truth and conform our lives to it. Thales Academy guides students in discovering truth and encourages them to live moral lives of integrity following the dictates of truth through the rules, outcomes, and culture at our school. We recognize the importance of cultivating intelligent piety by providing an environment that is friendly to religion.

To fulfill the above purpose of education, the Thales Academy curriculum is based on the Western Tradition: its history, intellectual foundations, and interaction with other civilizations as well as the place of the American experiment in that history. As Americans, we belong to Western Civilization, and thus its tradition is our special inheritance.

Furthermore, the Christian faith holds a central place in the Western tradition along with elements from the Ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Roman civilizations. The best of the Western Tradition, which includes its Christian foundations, teaches wisdom that is profitable for the flourishing of every human life.

Why is classical education valuable?

Classical education develops strong thinking and reasoning skills. History and literature are studied chronologically from the beginning of civilization to the present day, and are repeated twice during the JH/HS sequence to allow for greater learning potential and advanced analysis. Latin is studied because it is the foundational language of modern civilization and contributes to a vast number of fields including English and all of the Romance languages (Spanish, Italian, etc.), the modern sciences and medicine, law and government, grammar and writing, and others. Latin helps students to be strong thinkers and writers and ultimately serves as the foundation of all other learning. Grammar, logic, rhetoric, philosophy, and ethics prepare students to formulate ideas, communicate ideas clearly, and discern truths and falsehoods when examining others' ideas.

Classical education is a systemized approach to comprehensive learning and is based on 3000 years of human civilization. The rigor encountered through classical learning fosters a strong work ethic as well as perseverance. Students who learn through the classical method are excellently prepared for any endeavor faced in the modern world.

What is the average class size at Thales Academy?

In order to provide high quality, low cost education, we do not limit class sizes but do observe guidelines appropriate to the grade level, teaching staff, and content. Direct Instruction in grades Pre-K-5 utilizes skill level grouping, ensuring that all children in a classroom are learning at the same speed and degree of difficulty. Continual one-on-one checks for retention ensure that all students in the classroom receive a highly personalized learning experience. In the upper grades, the Socratic Method of discussion allows for personal engagement within the group and ensures that all students have the opportunity to actively participate in classroom learning.

Is Thales Academy college preparatory?

Thales Academy is fully college prep. With our rigorous classical curriculum, wide range of electives, multiple extracurricular opportunities, the Luddy Institute of Technology, and personalized college application advising, students are extremely well prepared for post-secondary learning upon graduation.

How does the Thales Academy curriculum compare to other alternatives?

Thales Academy's curriculum far exceeds the UNC system base requirements for college admission. Compared to other high schools in the area, our offering is very competitive, preparing students with a rich content knowledge and impressive critical thinking and reasoning skills. Some standout courses that are unique to the Thales Academy experience include: Logic, Rhetoric, Philosophy & Ethics, Senior Seminar and the Senior Thesis, Latin, and the Luddy Institute of Technology. These courses in particular show colleges and universities that Thales Academy students are excellent thinkers and are far ahead of their peers in college preparation. Most students do not take these courses until college (if even then), but Thales Academy students are required to take all of them except for the Luddy Institute of Technology (an elective program) as part of the standard curriculum. The optional Luddy Institute of Technology introduces students to college level engineering concepts and specialized training years ahead of their peers.

Does Thales Academy offer AP classes?

Thales Academy offers select AP classes in the high school grades. Thales Academy has opted not to offer an extensive portfolio of AP classes because they require time consuming and expensive teacher training and can often lead to teaching to the test. The standard Thales Academy curriculum is designed to far exceed the rigor and scope of AP coursework. Students may always choose to take the AP test without taking an official AP course, and many will likely qualify for AP college credit this way. In addition, students may opt to take blended learning AP courses online from school-selected 3rd party providers during the regular school day in addition to their standard course load.

A small offering of AP coursework does not disadvantage a student's college application. The rigor of the Thales Academy curriculum is impressive in itself to colleges and universities. As long as colleges and universities see that applicants have challenged themselves to the best of their ability within the context of the Thales Academy curriculum, Thales Academy seniors will compete very well with students from other high schools.

Does Thales Academy offer electives and extracurricular activities?

Thales Academy offers a wide range of electives and extracurricular activities that continues to grow each year, even in the elementary grades. When evaluating student resumes, quality, not quantity, matters most to colleges. If a student has opted to participate in one or two primary extracurricular activities throughout their high school career, and can speak very passionately about those involvements, colleges will be impressed, despite the low quantitative number of activities. Thales Academy plans to continually re-evaluate the electives offered and add new courses as demand and staffing can support them. Students are always welcome to start their own extracurricular involvements as well (which is even more impressive to colleges if they establish the group themselves!).

Is Thales Academy accredited?

Thales Academy chooses to opt out of accreditation; please refer to our Accreditation page for a full explanation. Essentially, the accreditation process is extremely time consuming, limiting, and expensive. Accreditation is NOT required for college admission. When examining applicants for admission, colleges and universities evaluate the overall rigor of the high school and the student's academic performance, standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement, recommendations, and essays. Accreditation is NOT a factor in post-secondary institutions' decision-making process. Thales Academy students have received college acceptances to Carnegie Mellon, Virginia Tech, NC State University, UNC Chapel Hill, and many more. Our sister schools, which are not accredited, have received hundreds of acceptances to top tier schools for many years.

In order to provide the highest quality education for our students, focus our time exclusively on our students' needs, and maintain an affordable tuition, Thales Academy has opted to refrain from applying for accreditation.

How is student safety and security addressed at Thales Academy?

Student and faculty safety is our highest priority at Thales Academy. All doors at our campuses are electronically locked at all times. Visitors may enter through the front door after being buzzed in, and must check in at the office before being allowed entry to the school. All campuses are outfitted with continually monitored security cameras located throughout all areas of the school. All campuses practice monthly school-wide fire and code red drills.

What is the parent/teacher communication process at Thales Academy?

One of the elements parents love most about Thales Academy is our commitment to parent/teacher communication. In the lower grades, communication is frequent, with student folders, emails, phone calls, notes to parents, classroom websites, newsletters, and parent/teacher conferences informing families of school events and individual student progress. In the upper grades, students are expected to organize necessary information on their own, but families also receive frequent emails and newsletters as well as a mid-year parent/teacher conference. At all grade levels, academic grades, homework assignments, and classroom specific information is distributed via Canvas, our learning management system. Families may log in at any time to view academic progress through the year. In cases of inclement weather or emergencies, information is distributed via social media, text, and Canvas. All parent inquiries receive a prompt and thorough response, usually within 24 hours.

How is bullying handled at Thales Academy?

Bullying in any form is not tolerated at Thales Academy. Any disruption of the learning environment that interferes, impedes, or distracts from students' learning or hampers the climate of the learning environment will be disciplined swiftly and appropriately. Families are encouraged to report any incidences of bullying to campus administration so that issues can be addressed immediately.

Are students permitted to bring food containing nuts to school?

We do not maintain nut-free campuses, but accommodations for individual homerooms and grade levels are made as needed. Campus staff will advise on the nut policy for each class.

What is my return on investment with Thales Academy?

Thales Academy offers a comprehensive education and preparation that is unmatched on rigor, scope, and affordability. Excellent academics, character formation, a safe and wholesome environment, life skills development, personalized attention, and the fostering of a lifelong love of learning all make Thales Academy an excellent choice that is worth far more than the tuition price.